What is Coaching

Fashionable? Perhaps… And considering how many VIPs have coaches and the value they admit coaches bring to their lives and careers, there’s gotta be more to coaching than fashion!

So why get a coach?

Do you know all those thoughts going round and round inside your head; those doubts about yourself and things you want or not want to do because “it’s right”? All that internal dialogue takes place because there are things in your life / career / relationship / health and fitness, etc that aren’t going as you’d like them to go. Coaching enables you to sort out through the clutter and decide what it is that you really want instead, and then empowers you to achieve it.

What is coaching? What does a coach do?

A coach is someone who enables you to discover what you truly want and then empowers you to bring out the best in yourself to achieve your outcomes, supporting you all the way and leaving the responsibility for action in your own hands. A coach picks your brain for you to find the answers you didn’t think you held, shows you the other side of the coin, empowers you to make the best choices and holds you accountable for your thoughts and (non-)actions.

How do you find the right coach for you?

Start by deciding what your outcome is – What is it that you want to achieve through coaching? Where is it that you want your coach to take you? Whether you’re sure of what your desired outcomes are or whether it is precisely gaining clarity what you want your coach to help you with, you still need to know what to ask of your coach.

Searching for coaches online is simple, and here are 5 things you should pay attention to:

  1. What kind of training does a coach have? – Do they have any?
  2. See proof of their work (Eg. testimonials)
  3. What kind of coaching they offer – Even if the sessions are tailored to your needs, are their products / packages along the lines of what you want to be coached in?
  4. Have an open & honest chat before you commit
  5. And most importantly, listen to your gut instinct

What if you have me as your coach?

Just for a second, think of those things you’d like to change in your life. Then, think about how your life would be like after you have made the necessary changes to make that your new reality. How does that feel different? And how important is it for you to make the changes you want to make to build the life you want to have.

Read my About and Work with me pages for my coaching offering, drop me a line at coaching@ancaurdea.com to ask me any questions, and subscribe to my newsletter for more useful insights.