What is #Development?


If someone asks me what’s important to me personally, in my work or my relationships, one of my first thoughts is development.

Development as in a way of evolving, moving forward, aiming higher, improving, achieving some goals whilst getting closer to others…

If I look back at what I’ve been doing through the years, I can see a trend. I was always excited about many things and I’ve tried quite a few of them. I studied foreign languages and then sociology. I worked in insurances only to continue my education with an MA in tourism management. I worked in events and went on to study NLP. Did I mention I can also code (basic coding at least)? I’m also a certified hypnotist who absolutely loves to travel. And this is not all…

Some might say I’m splitting my attention in far too many directions. I prefer to consider myself multi-passionate.

Each and every choice I made, to study or work, always changing my interest and domain, contributed to my development, both from a work point of view, as well as from a personal point of view. Many of the knowledge and skills I gained are transferable.

By studying different disciplines and earning work experience in others, I learned what I like and what I love to do – and there’s a big difference between the two! I discovered what fires me up and motivates me to sit my ass down focusing on the task at hand for hours and hours. And when I focus on things I love, my work becomes easy, creative, recreational nearly, and fills me up with energy.

We all strive to develop in many and interesting ways. The studying, the work, the job promotion, the marriage, the new book, the holiday… they all contribute to our development. And if we are true to ourselves and follow the path we want, if we give ourselves permission to do what we dream to do (as opposed to what we think we should do), then work becomes effortless and enjoyable.


Have you discovered what you love doing? Do you have clear goals for your future? Email me to let me know on coaching@ancaurdea.com