I cannot smell the food burning on the stove but I can hear the subtlest of nuances in the pronunciation of an English word by a native speaker of another language, and then accurately detect the country they come from.

I do not notice plants dying in a pot until the green, falling leaves turn to brown but I can appreciate every sound in a sensual Latin melody, I can live every word off the lips of the singer, I can feel every muscle in my body coming alive wanting to express all the emotion and passion that seizes my body.

I live my life with the big picture in mind and there are moments when I live like there’s no tomorrow, moments when time stops and nothing else matters.

The hell with the idea of a frugal life – as long as it’s ecological, go for it!

The hell with the idea that money is dirty – because money is awesome and gives you all the freedom and choice you wanna have!

The hell with the idea that you shouldn’t love thyself – you can only love and respect other people when you learn to love and respect yourself.

I believe life is all about happiness and I can define happiness in a multitude of ways which may or may not coincide with your interpretation. Whatever your interpretation is, whatever happiness means to you, pursue it even if it means going to the end of the world!

Happiness - tweet this

Also read this post about dying people’s biggest regrets