When one needs to make decisions, or more precisely decide between A & B, they usually have to choose between what their gut instinct tells them to do and the other, seemingly more sensible solution.

The sensible solution revolves around the “should’s”, “must’s”, “have to’s”, “expected of me to…” It’s a compromise between what you truly want and what you perceive that others expect; a compromise between a calling and something which only satisfies part of you; a compromise between the dream and the not so cool option which yes, may have something you want to have.

Ready for some weeding?

Going for your gut instinct may upset others, which in turn might grow some weeds in your garden – shame and guilt for instance, for disappointing those close to you.

Choosing to go with what others expect you to do will upset you, and can also grow some weeds – shame and guilt for instance, for disappointing yourself.

The good news is that weeds grow to be weeded out – if you choose to! ASK ME HOW!

I had my fair share of challenges and decision-making moments where I wasn’t sure what to do. Being faced with a decision can be overwhelming, and the higher the stakes the tougher it can be. And if one tends to procrastinate before making a decision, than it’s also an energy-draining process.

I’ve always landed on my feet

For most of my decisions, I’ve given my gut instinct the deciding vote – and I’ve been landing on my feet. Always. The best decisions I’ve ever made were taken on a whim and announced them to the nay-sayers after it was done. In all these instances, the decisions I made were the only possible options. And from there onward, the only things that could happen next, that I made happen next, supported my decisions 100%.

Tony Robbins says change happens in a moment. And it does. That moment is THE MOMENT I, or YOU, DECIDE.

I just made another bold decision. It’s so congruent with what I want and stand for, with what I dream of and get excited about, that it’s almost inconceivable to do anything else. Again, this was the only way.

Yes, the other option included something I love, and it still wasn’t the right one. Support and understanding came from unexpected places and little and hidden benefits started springing up already.

Yes, I was scared. Yes, I procrastinated on this decision a bit more than usually. Yes, there was another, seemingly better and more sensible way. The thing is… Could I / would I have been happy with this option when my instinct told me over and over again that this is the way to what I want? Of course not!

If you’re faced with a decision, here’s a little something to empower you to decide. And if you still need help, book a special HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS CONGRUENT WITH MYSELF session and I’ll happily guide you through a process you can replicate whenever you need to. 🙂
Decisions - how to make decisions easier