
Do you know that feeling people have on a Sunday afternoon / Monday morning, when they think about the week ahead, a full week of hard work, five consecutive days of waking up early to do a job they don’t enjoy doing, for less money they think they should receive, in a company that doesn’t even appreciate their efforts enough anyway? How are these negative feelings impacting other areas of people’s lives outside of their work hours, in the afternoons, in the weekends, or on their holidays?

Now, how would that be different to waking up on a Monday morning feeling excited, motivated and eager to go to work? How would it be like to work on projects that are meaningful to you, doing work that challenges you and propels your career forward, being compensated handsomely by a company that eagerly invests in you and your growth and development because this benefits both you and the business you’re working for? How much would the quality of your life improve and how much happier would you be?

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What if people would have a choice between the first and the second scenario? What if you could have a choice?

These are the questions I answer with “Make your job work for you – an alternative approach to your work, career & professional life

Here’s what you are learning by attending the webinar:

  • What makes you unhappy at work
  • What’s holding you back from what you really want
  • What to do to be happy and fulfilled in your work
  • How to make your job work for you rather than the other way around
  • How to leverage your abilities and advantages to do work you love
  • How to achieve work-life balance
  • The step by step plan to achieve all this and more

Are you ready to raise to the opportunity?

Join me on Thursday, 25 May, for the FREE webinar that’s gonna change your career!

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